Investors' Bravery 2019 found the winner

24/12/2019 02:09:00 PM - 842 View
As updated, KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company (KBSV) has become the Diamond Sponsor and the Professional Sponsor for the "Investors’ Bravery 2019: Ignite your passion". As the largest and most prestigious academic and financial contest in Hanoi, undergoing 7 years, Investors’ Bravery has been increasingly improved in both scale and professional content. In this 8th season, Investors' Resilience continues to be professionally sponsored by the State Securities Commission (SSC) and Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX).

Over 2 months of challenges, over 1500 participants from 35 Universities, TOP 5 best candidates entered the Finale - held at the Banking Academy. The champion of this year belongs to Tien Quoc Viet - from Foreign Trade University. Besides the award with a total value of up to 400 million VND from the competition, the Top 5 best students will be given an opportunity to be intern at KBSV to learn and improve their professional capacity.
Accompanying the role of Diamond Sponsor and Professional Sponsor, KBSV has supported the contest not only financially but also professionally supported through content advice, knowledge training and analyzing skills, investment advice, and quality assessment candidates. In particular, in round 4 of the competition, KBSV supported opening accounts and trading training for the Top 16 candidates with a commitment of compensating 10% of losses incurred during the transaction. This is also considered a highlight of the contest to help them gain more practical experience and strengthen the knowledge.
Recognizing the contribution to the development of Vietnamese society, in addition to voluntary activities, KBSV also pays great attention to the field of education, especially supporting and developing the future elements of the Finance - Securities sector. In the coming time, KBSV will continue to accompany students through supporting, sponsoring activities, contests and developing securities products exclusively for students with many incentives.