KB Securities inaugurated “Rainbow Class in Hoa Binh province

31/10/2022 03:17:12 PM - 2.061 View

After 05 months of active construction, KB Securities Company (KBS) formally inaugurated and turned over new classrooms, libraries, computer labs, and foreign language classrooms to Lac Sy Primary School - Hoa Binh on April 25, 2022.

Delegates cut the ribbon to inaugurate the Rainbow Classroom (Source: KB Securities).

In the province of Hoa Binh's underdeveloped, mountainous Yen Thuy, which is home to numerous ethnic minorities, is where Lac Sy School is located. The "Rainbow Classroom" project, with a total investment value of VND 2.6 billion, was organized by KB Securities in partnership with World Vision Korea and World Vision Vietnam. Its goals are to enhance education, foster connections, and assist local communities in underprivileged areas.

The project to upgrade, create, and install new facilities at the school went into operation in May 2022. As a result, KB Securities has provided more than 2,000 helpful books and created a kid-friendly outdoor reading area. This enhanced students' academic performance and reading comprehension.

KBS created computer rooms, and foreign language classrooms, and expanded the necessary equipment to help students be prepared with the level of foreign languages and informatics in line with the curriculum orientation. To give the kids a healthier life through better sanitation and hygiene education, KB Securities also renovated the school's restrooms at the same time.

KBS BOD and students at Lac Sy Primary School (Source: KB Securities).

"KB Securities will accompany in the mission of equipping knowledge, incubating the future generations, so they can advance their goal of a better, more civilized world. At the same time, KBS will always try to devote a part of our efforts to society and the Vietnamese community," said Mr. Kim SungHyun - General Director of KB Securities Co., Ltd.

Hoang, a student in grade 7A, shared the challenges he faced during the previous learning process. He said: "Using reference materials and computers at home is practically impossible for us to do. Additionally, our families don't have enough money to buy us books. The school is solely responsible for our education, but there aren't many resources available in the library, which is very cramped. As a result, I am grateful for your assistance in providing us with better study conditions.

Students were excited about the new facilities (Source: KB Securities)

The principal of the school, teachers, and representatives from Hoa Binh province all expressed their appreciation for the construction at the event. The school's principal, Mr. Dinh Van Thuan, expressed his gratitude for KB Securities Company's interest in and practical support of the Vietnamese educational system in general and Lac Sy’s students in particular. He was of the opinion that this realistic enhancement of the educational setting would benefit both students and school personnel.

BOD and KB Securities Staff along with Lac Sy school teachers and students (Source: KB Securities).

The business representative said that the "Rainbow Classroom" project, along with other KB community-focused initiatives in the future, is an affirmation of our sustainable development strategy and our dedication to always bringing economic benefits along with our social responsibility.

* Resource: https://dantri.com.vn/kinh-doanh/chung-khoan-kb-khanh-thanh-lop-hoc-cau-vong-tai-hoa-binh-20221031115846721.htm