KBSV accompanied with DPP students in career orientation

26/06/2019 05:40:00 PM - 867 View
   On Saturday, June 22nd morning, KBSV attended the "Career Day - DDP Career Orientation Day" organized by the Institute of International Finance Education - Academy of Finance (AOF) at Bishub Coworking Space - Mipec Tay Son Tower, Hanoi. The "Career Day" is organized to provide opportunities for students studying Dual Degree Programme (DPP) at AOF to meet representatives from enterprises in the Finance sector, including: Banking, Accounting - Auditing, Securities, Investment Funds, Insurance; thereby helping students to have a comprehensive view of the current job market and orient their careers in the future. This program attracted nearly 200 students.
    Joining the program, representative from KBSV had a meeting, experiences sharing and answered questions of students in this field, introduced KBSV as well as career opportunities at KBSV. The discussion took place in the excitement of the students. At the end of the program, more than 20 students registered to become trainees at KBSV to experience the real working environment to find out career orientation and develop themselves in the future.
     Belows are photos of the program:

Ms Nguyen Thi Minh Hang - Manager of KBSV Customer Care Center had discussion with students

Representative from KBSV together with others of Finance industry