KBSV is officially on Top 10 securities firms with the largest brokerage market share at HoSE

07/01/2020 01:46:00 PM - 2.454 View
    According to information released from HoSE, in the fourth quarter of 2019, KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company (KBSV) is officially on the Top 10 brokerage market share with the percentage of 3.90%.
    This is a highlight past year of KBSV after the continuous increase in capital with support from Parent group KBFG as well as strong investment in human resources and technology. Following the customer-focused strategy, along with being one of the 10 securities companies with the largest chartered capital in the market, KBSV continuously launches attractive product packages, maximum support for investors.
    At the beginning of the new year 2020, KBSV has officially launched the KB-able - an 'unlimited' transaction version to bring utilities to customers when trading and placing orders. In parallel, with the purpose of expanding the domestic and foreign customer base for the derivative market, KBSV continues to extend the free derivative trading fee for new customers from 2/1/2020 to the end of 31/3/2020. At the same time, KBSV is also urgently completing and will launch more special products to the market in the near future and the beneficiaries are always the customers who transact at the Company.
    “Looking back on the journey in the past 2019, it can be seen that KBSV has been and continues to transform itself to meet new opportunities and challenges. We believe that with the abundant capital, network, customer base and operational experience inherited from KB Financial Group (KBFG) and KB Securities Company (Korea), KBSV will affirm its potential in Vietnam market. ”, Mr. Nguyen Duc Hoan - CEO of KBSV said.