KBSV officially become a member of Derivatives securities trading at HNX

13/08/2019 11:05:00 AM - 931 View
     KB Vietnam Securities Joint Stock Company (KBSV) has officially become the 13th member of derivatives trading unit of Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) according to the Official Letter of Approval of the principle of derivative securities trading members No. 1096/SGDHN - QLTV.
    In the first quarter of 2019, KBSV has completed increasing chartered capital with VND 1,675 billion, officially becoming the Top 10 Securities Companies with the largest chartered capital in Vietnam. With abundant new capital, KBSV has expanded its network with 4 branches in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City; improve the quality of human resources; develop information technology system and online trading system with the target of becoming one of the Top tier Securities companies in Vietnam.
    After increasing the chartered capital, KBSV has received the Certificate of Qualification for Derivative Securities Business No. 31/GCN-UBCK issued by the State Securities Commission on April 25, 2019, accordingly the scope of KBSV derivative securities activities is carried out including: Derivatives securities brokerage, Self-derivative trading, Derivatives securities investment consultancy.
    As a 99.7% member company owned by KBFG Group, one of the largest financial groups in Korea, KBSV is strongly supported by resources, especially in terms of capital and huge customer network from the parent company. In particular, with becoming a member of HNX's derivatives trading, KBSV has been gradually improving to fulfill the commitment to create a convenient, professional and profitable investment environment for clients and investors.

     Please contact KBSV customers care for further information:

     Hotline:   (84.24) 730 35333 – press 2235
     Website: https://www.kbsec.com.vn
     Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/kbsec.com.vn