KBSV organizing KB Training program at Maritime Bank transactions/branches

08/06/2020 01:12:00 PM - 1.048 View
On 6/6, KB Training program with the cooperation of KBSV and Maritime Bank (MSB) named "Hunting Deal in stormy season" was officially held for the first time in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This is a series of regular training programs for MSB’s sale and BM teams, and also targets a large number of customers of MSB. Accordingly, the basic to advanced training sessions will be held monthly to support the MSB sales team with information about securities investment channels as well as stock market knowledge, especially in the time when the market gradually recovered after the Covid epidemic.
The advantage of cooperation between KBSV and MSB this time is that customers will be provided with effective financial investment solutions thanks to the combination of MSB's extensive branch network and stock market expertise by KBSV. Besides, this is also a premise for the expansion of training in the entire KBSV system with the goal of increasing benefits for customers.

At the recent KB Training, KBSV with the participation of experienced experts has supported and implemented consultancy for nearly 250 MSB members and customers in both the North and the South with online and direct training. MSB members have been updated about the products and services of KBSV as well as information about the stock market. Especially, right after the training, many members registered to open a securities trading account at KBSV.
In addition, many training sessions at the MSB transaction offices were deployed by KBSV experts after the first KB Training program took place. MSB members will get certificate after joining and passing the test of KB Training.
With the cooperation of KBSV - a securities company with strong financial background and professional experience from Korea and MSB - a bank with a wide network in Vietnam, customers will enjoy the financial benefits and experience of utility services for their investment choice.