Research center

Turbulent times - Sector report - Recommended tickers

15/04/2020 05:34:00 PM
Our most prudent choices

Macro Note: April Inflation

15/04/2020 03:30:00 PM
Government clamping down further

Refrigeration Electrical Engineering - Visit Note 1Q2020

14/04/2020 06:04:00 PM
Well insulated against COVID-19

Hoa Phat Group - Update Report 1Q2020

14/04/2020 06:03:00 PM
Stimulus a boon for construction steel

Asia Commercial Bank - Update Report - 1Q2020

14/04/2020 06:03:00 PM
Unique resilience

Mobile World Investment - Update Report - 1Q2020

13/04/2020 05:41:00 PM
Top pick for demand snap back

PV Technical Services - Visit Note 1Q2020

13/04/2020 04:29:00 PM
M&C division & one-off gains the main drivers

Macro Note: 1Q Industrial Production

06/04/2020 03:30:00 PM
Cutting 2020 GDP growth forecast to 4.5%

Macro Note: Central Bank cuts policy rate

18/03/2020 04:53:00 PM
SBV takes action to minimize COVID-19 impact

Macro Note: Fed cuts rate to near zero

18/03/2020 09:15:00 AM
Impact on Vietnam’s stock market