Signing cooperation agreement between KB Securities Vietnam and Vietnam National University, Ha Noi: Promoting comprehensive cooperation and developing new human resources

31/10/2022 04:20:00 PM - 185 View
Hanoi, October 27, 2022, the signing ceremony of cooperation agreement between KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company (KBSV) and Vietnam National University, Hanoi( VNU) was officially held at the campus of Vietnam National University, Hanoi. This is a new opportunity for both units in connecting training, incubating talents, fostering and developing the young generation.

According to the cooperation agreement, KB Securities Vietnam will sponsor VND 4.2 billion for the Scholarship Fund "Incubating young scientists at Vietnam National University, Hanoi". In which, each year KB Securities Vietnam will grant 20 scholarships including living expenses support for students majoring in Basic Science and 20 scholarships for students majoring in Finance, Banking, Accounting, Auditing, and Business Administration. Students can participate in training programs and study science and technology lectures by scientists. Besides, KB Securities Vietnam will also create opportunities for excellent students of the school to practice at KBSV with suitable positions.

The Signing Ceremony of Cooperation Agreement

At the same time, in this cooperation, KB Securities Vietnam also signed a comprehensive development cooperation agreement with Vietnam National University, Ha Noi. Accordingly, KBSV will send experienced experts and staff of the company to participate in the development of course outlines, teaching, and practical guidance following actual work, to attend and share at meetings, seminars.v.v.. organized by Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Within the framework of the cooperation agreement, KBSV will also finance the cost for the university to send some excellent and potential lecturers and students to visit and attend training programs abroad in the fields of training and research programs. The two sides are determined to promote all resources to contribute a part of the strength to the country's socio-economic development through promoting activities in training, application, consulting, and transfer technology programs.

The ceremony was attended by Mr. Kim SungHyun - General Director of KB Securities Company, Mr. Park Chunsoo - Chairman of the Board of Directors of KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company, Mr. Jeon MunCheol - Acting CEO of  KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company, Mr. Choi YunSun – CFO of KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company and representatives from KB Securities Korea, Vietnam.

KB Securities Vietnam sponsored VNU Hanoi’s Development Fund

Mr. Kim SungHyun - General Director of KB Securities Company said - “KBSV hopes this cooperation will be the beginning of comprehensive development in the relationship between KB Securities Vietnam and Vietnam National University, Hanoi. We will continue to work closely with the school, create the best conditions for Vietnamese students to have the opportunity to interact, experience the business environment, and improve the quality of students upon graduation."

The leadership and functional committees with the Development Fund of Vietnam National University, Ha Noi also expressed their gratitude to all of KBSV for accompanying the construction and development of the university.

It is known that the Scholarship Fund sponsored by KBSV will be valid for four years and the cooperation agreement with Vietnam National University is five years from the date of signing.