The schedule for Lunar New Year Holiday 2020

20/01/2020 02:47:01 PM - 1.194 View
Dear all customers,
KBSV would like to respect and thank you for your support and cooperation during the past time.
According to the notification of the State Securities Commission and the Stock Exchange of closing trading on Lunar New Year Holiday 2020. On this occasion, KBSV would like to announce the schedule of trading stocks and holiday as follows:
KBSV will be closed from Thursday, January 23, 2020 until Wednesday, January 29, 2020.
KBSV will resume as normal on Thursday, January 30, 2020.
For more details, please directly contact to BR or via support channels:
·                Hot line: (84 24) 7303 5333 (North) or (84 28) 7303 5333 (South)
·                Skype chat: kb_clientcare
KBSV wish you and family a Lunar New Year full of Happiness, and Good Health!
Best regard,