Will strategy for free transaction of derivative be down in the big market? - Vietstock

20/05/2019 03:52:46 PM - 695 View
Competition in securities companies is always a hot issue. With the advent of the derivative market, the level of competition is even more intense, especially when some securities companies also offer free trading strategies. It can be seen from the fact that free transaction is also an effective tool to attract customers during this period. At the same time, it will create certain pressure on the remaining securities companies.
Competition with transaction fees is normal
Mr. Nguyen Duc Hoan - KBSV's CEO commented that the level of competition between securities companies at the moment is becoming stronger with a clear distribution, the leading securities companies are still having advantages and maintaining about quite distance about market share compared to the top medium. In general, each company has its own advantages and strategies to develop, but in the long term, the quality of services, consulting capabilities and the stability of technology infrastructure are still the main factors to decide the position of each company.

Service is still the key point
According to Hoan, the immediate benefits are clearly reflected in the growth of the derivatives market of these securities companies. Thanks to this strategy, investors will get benefit the most, the derivatives market will have more motivation to grow in size and transaction value.
However, the above securities companies will also suffer certain losses when the infrastructure investment, commissions for brokers and other operating costs will burden the operating results. According to Mr. Hoan, this may create some pressure in the short term but in the long term it will be difficult to make a big impact on companies with good service quality platforms.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Hoan - CEO of KBSV