Promotions News

KBSV encourages digital trade

05/02/2021 06:09:00 PM 842 View

Launching KB 8.8 promotion and reducing standard financial service interest rate - KBSV's strong movement to support investors in the Covid-19 context

31/08/2020 10:07:00 AM 888 View
In order to help customers exploit the investment opportunities in the context of the volatile stock market due to the Covid-19, KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company (KBSV) officially launched the premium offer KB 8.8 and standard financial service interest rate reductions.

KBSV organizing KB Training program at Maritime Bank transactions/branches

08/06/2020 01:12:00 PM 1.048 View
On 6/6, KB Training program with the cooperation of KBSV and Maritime Bank (MSB) named "Hunting Deal in stormy season" was officially held for the first time in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This is a series of regular training programs for MSB’s sale and BM teams, and also targets a large number of customers of MSB. Accordingly, the basic to advanced training sessions will be held monthly to support the MSB sales team with information about securities investment channels as well as stock market knowledge, especially in the time when the market gradually recovered after the Covid epidemic.

KB-Challenge - Award VND 1 billion is looking for the champion

07/05/2020 03:13:51 PM 1.566 View
Taking place from 2/3/2020 to 31/8/2020, KB-Challenge is an underlying securities trading contest for investors who open accounts at KBSV with the total value of prizes up to nearly VND 2 billion.

KBSV’s Profit before tax is VND 43 billion, increased by 72% as compared to same period of last year

27/04/2020 03:27:36 PM 1.733 View
KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company (KBSV) has just released its financial statements for the first quarter of 2020 with the revenue of 132.6 billion, increased by 88% as compared to the same period in 2019