Promotions News

Press release: KB Securities Vietnam complete the 1st phase of increasing chartered capital

15/12/2018 11:18:00 AM 1.982 View
On December 14th, 2018, KB Securities Vietnam Joint Stock Company (KBSV) was officially issued the license of business registration with the new chartered capital of 1,107 billion VND by the State Securities Commission (SSC). Therefore, the equity of KBSV will increase to VND1,337 billion. The second offering is expected to be implemented in the first quarter of 2019, with an expected offering of 57,000,000 shares. After offering, the total chartered capital of KBSV is 1,680 billion VND, officially in the top 10 securities companies with the largest charter capital.

Notice of November 2018 lending margin list

19/11/2018 05:49:26 PM 703 View

Press release: KB Securities Vietnam to launch “KB Dream 8.3”

05/11/2018 11:11:00 AM 1.695 View
For the sake of supporting and bringing more value to customers, KB Securities Vietnam (KBSV) from November 5th, 2018, KB Securities Vietnam Jointstock Company has launched KB Dream 8.3. With the total loan of 300 billion VND, KB Dream 8.3 has many advantages: most attractive margin interest is 8.3% per year, transaction fee is 0.15%, and the number of loan stocks is 50 stocks. This is following the success of KB Dream 8.5 launched in July of 2018, was considered the unprecedented attractive interest package in the market.

Notice of mobile phone number conversion

01/11/2018 05:28:39 PM 762 View

Press release: KB Securities Vietnam has officially approved to offer shares to raise chartered capital

01/11/2018 11:10:00 AM 1.482 View
On October 31st, 2018, KB Securities Vietnam Jointstock Company (KBSV) has officially been approved by the State Securities Commission (SSC) to offer shares to existing shareholders for the sake of raising chartered capital in accordance with Official Letter No. 7366/UBCK-QLKD. The offering plan is implemented in pursuant to the Resolution No. 228/2018/NQ -DHĐ dated 07/09/2018 by the General Meeting of Shareholders, Resolution No. 234/2018/NQ-HĐQTT dated 02/10/2018 by the Board of Directors of KB Securities Vietnam Jointstock Company and other relevant laws.

Notice of October 2018 lending margin list

02/10/2018 05:03:58 PM 678 View

Maritime Securities Incorporation (MSI) officially changed its name to KB Securities Vietnam (KBSV)

17/01/2018 01:43:00 PM 1.255 View
On 17th January, 2018, according to Decision No. 07/GPDC-UBCK of Vietnam’s State Securities Commission, Maritime Securities Incorporation (MSI) officially changed its name to KB Securities Vietnam (KBSV).