Research center

Strategy Note: January Index Rebalancing

21/01/2020 05:52:00 PM

Macro Note: 2019 Fiscal Overview

20/01/2020 01:59:00 PM
Improvements support more public spending in 2020

Strategy Note: US Treasury Watchlist

17/01/2020 02:08:00 PM
Only one violation and remains on the US Treasury’s currency watchlist

Macro Note: Petrol prices & January CPI

17/01/2020 02:02:00 PM
Government managing down inflation concerns

Macro Note: Money Market News

14/01/2020 01:34:00 PM
Overnight rates drop on excess liquidity before Tet

Hoa Phat Group - Company Note - December 2019 Steel Output

07/01/2020 05:06:00 PM
December construction steel consumption hits 285,000 & 2.77 million tons for 2019 Strong gains in the Southern region & more than doubling tonnage from 2018 Phase 1 trials complete for Dung Quat & over 80% of phase two near completion

Macro Note: 2019 Foreign Exchange Reserves

02/01/2020 05:45:00 PM
Foreign exchange (FX) reserves by the end of 2019 was estimated at USD80 billion – or 3.8 months of import cover

Macro Note: 2019 GDP & Inflation

27/12/2019 03:24:00 PM
GDP is estimated at 7.03% in 2019 - the second year to witness >7% GDP

Vinh Hoan Corporation - Company Note - November 2019 exports

26/12/2019 03:34:00 PM
Cannot escape from negative growth in 2019

Hoa Phat Group - Visit Note 4Q2019

25/12/2019 06:06:00 PM
After two years of construction, the project Dung Quat - Hoa Phat has almost finished the workload of the phase 1 and 80% of the phase 2.