Seminar: Which opportunities in a volatile market?

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03/10/2018 02:26:00 PM - 918 View
At present, Vietnam stock market is facing many challenges and there are risks that cause strong fluctuation. This is a challenge, but also an opportunity for investors. In order to help investors and customers to update the latest information on the macroeconomic situation and investment strategy in the context of the stock market volatility, KB Securities Vietnam (KBSV) is going to hold:
Seminar "Which opportunities in a volatile market?"
Time: 15:00 on Thursday, October 11th, 2018
Place: Crystal Room – Lotte Hotel, 54 Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi
The seminar will focus on these topics:
  • Macro market: Existing risks remain in the recovery cycle
  • Investment Strategies: Stock market fluctuates stronger, what opportunities for investors?
Joining as a speakers and talking with over 100 clients in the program are experienced experts from KB Securities Vietnam:
  • Mr. Nguyen Xuan Binh – Head of Research, KBSV
  • Mr. Tran Duc Anh - Head of Macro & Market Strategy, KBSV
This is also a meeting, sharing between the KBSV and its customers, helping KBSV to listen to customers’s interests and demand to gradually improve and bring more value as well as benefit to customers.

Please confirm for your attendance before 10:00 AM, October 8th, 2018 as below contact:
Ms Tran Thi Kim Thu: 0919 868 999 – Email:

KBSV sincerely thanks and very honored to welcome you!
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