2nd Technical Analysis Training" for investors in Hanoi

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09/09/2018 02:23:00 PM - 1.211 View

Following the success of the first technical analysis training program, on September 8, 2018, the "Technical Analysis Traing" program by the Public Care Center KBSV Securities Company was held in Hanoi and attracted many investors.

This is the second program in a series of comprehensive and in-depth customer care activities of KBSV. In this training program, KBSV continues to provide the basic knowledge on technical analysis in securities investment and introduces techniques for market analysis and Make investment decisions like Dow Theory and trends, significance of key indicators in stock investment. KBSV also supported investors to install and use AmiBroker software on the spot to be able to participate in the transaction.

At the training session, the investors paid special attention and asked many practical questions about the application in securities investment so as to effectively, appropriate portfolio, how to recognize points of purchase and stock options. Capturing the sentiment of long-term stock investors without any effect, KBSV's speaker has expanded the content of the program, introducing the knowledge of "Golden Rule in securities investment". The core of the principle is not to promote intelligence but to promote compliance with the principles of investment, the allocation of portfolio exposure, the speaker also emphasizes that individual investors should invest in the Market trend, the market trend is friends of investors.

 At the end of the program, the investor expressed appreciation for the content of the training program, many investors shared after the second training in technology was feeling more confident when investing in market evidence Securities. Investors also suggested that KBSV continue to maintain and organize similar training courses with a gradual increase to be the bridge to support investors to participate in the market.

Here are some pictures of the program:



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