Technical Analysis Training" for investors in Hanoi

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12/08/2018 02:20:00 PM - 1.294 View

On August 11, 2018, the "Technical Analysis Traing" program hosted by the Customer Care Center of KB Securities Vietnam (KBSV) in Hanoi attracted Investors attended.


This is the first program in a series of comprehensive and in-depth customer care activities that KBSV will hold continuously in the near future. Through the training program, KBSV provided investors basic knowledge on technical analysis in securities investment as well as introduced techniques for market analysis and making investment decisions like The Dow Theory, investment trends and significance of key indicators in stock investment. In addition, investors participating in training programs are also supported on-site to install and using AmiBroker software for trading.


At the training session, investors are particularly interested in the practical application, many questions have been raised about how to use the combination of indicators together in the technique as well as how to eliminate the interference of the indicators…


At the end of the program, the investor shared and expressed satisfaction with the content of the training program and suggested that KBSV continue to maintain and organize similar training courses with gradual improvement to support investors to have more knowledge to enter the market.


Please see some photos of training program as below:





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