Daily/Weekly Report

Daily Note 27/04/2020

27/04/2020 05:55:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Banks led the retreat in stocks after 1Q results revealed the deterioration in asset quality [Futures/ETFs] Local selling sent futures into deeper backwardation after the underlying VN30 cash index turned negative and May contracts dropped below the 700 level [Market Movers] VPB, HVN, ANV [Company Updates] VPB, MBB, CTG, VIB, HPG

Daily Note 24/04/2020

24/04/2020 05:02:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks closed higher as Vietnam reopens after lockdown and several retail chains confirm the restart of business. [Futures/ETFs] Late-day rally in the VN30 cash index triggered short covering and allowed the basis to close at its narrowest of the day [Market Movers] VNM, MWG, MBB [Company Updates] FRT, DGW, VCB, ACB

Daily Note 23/04/2020

23/04/2020 04:51:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Profit taking caused stocks to pull back from a strong open after the Prime Minister lifted the nationwide lockdown from today [Futures/ETFs] Futures were slammed to low of the day in the closing auction after the VN30 cash index gave back morning gains [Market Movers] ACB, VJC

Daily Note 21/04/2020

21/04/2020 06:15:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Collapsing oil prices rattled markets and sent stocks lower as many took profits after the 20% rally from the March low. [Futures/ETFs] VN30 futures broke below 700 and fell deeper into backwardation as foreigners aggressively shorted May contracts in heavy volumes [Market Movers] DXG, PNJ [Company Updates] GAS, ANV, PNJ, DXG

Daily Note 20/04/2020

20/04/2020 05:21:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks moved higher after the fifth-straight day of no new coronavirus cases raised hopes the Government will lift the coronavirus lockdown on April 22nd, with stocks now up 20% from the March low [Futures/ETFs] Futures ended down despite a positive close to the VN30 cash index and markets recovering more than 20% since the March low [Market Movers] VNM, KBC [Company Updates] Vinh Hoan Corp (VHC)

Daily Note 17/04/2020

17/04/2020 05:25:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks rose in a broad-based rally with the gradual rollback of the lockdown and second-consecutive day of no new coronavirus cases [Futures/ETFs] Futures traded higher as foreigners added new long positions throughout the session but late-afternoon local profit taking weakened the basis into the close [Market Movers] VIC, HVN

Daily Note 16/04/2020

16/04/2020 04:48:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks posted modest gains as the gradual rollback of the nationwide lockdown caused mixed trading led by sectors likely to benefit from government stimulus [Futures/ETFs] Foreigners mostly rolled over long positions to May contracts and closed out short positions at the expiry as the new forward contract quickly moved deep into backwardation [Market Movers] GAS, VJC

Daily Note 15/04/2020

15/04/2020 05:53:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks retreated from highs after the government considers extending the lockdown in several major cities [Futures/ETFs] Futures rose and the basis narrowed before tomorrow’s expiry in light trading as foreigners fail to rollover to May contracts [Market Movers] VGC, KDH [Macro/Strategy] April Inflation [Sector Updates] Turbulent times

Daily Note 14/04/2020

14/04/2020 06:05:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks posted modest gains as the country waits for the official end to the nationwide lockdown tomorrow [Futures/ETFs] Futures closed higher on local short covering as the underlying VN30 cash index held the 700 level and staged a late day rally to close at the high of the day [Market Movers] FPT, TCM [Company Updates] Asian Commercial Bank (ACB); Hoa Phat Group (HPG); Refrigeration Electrical Engineering (REE)

Daily Note 13/04/2020

13/04/2020 06:27:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks moved higher as the government considers relaxing the nationwide lockdown in selective lower-risk areas [Futures/ETFs] Futures gain strength throughout the day as the VN30 index closes above 700 for the first time in a month [Market Movers] VIC, HVN [Company Updates] PV Technical Services (PVS); Mobile World Investment (MWG)