Daily/Weekly Report

Daily Note 10/04/2020

10/04/2020 05:26:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks fell in directionless trading as two new coronavirus cases offset hopes that the nationwide lockdown was coming to an end [Futures/ETFs] April contracts closed in positive territory at the close as locals covered intraday short positions that narrowed the basis [Market Movers] VJC, PNJ [Macro/Strategy] FTSE prospects [Company Updates] FPT Group (FPT)

Daily Note 09/04/2020

09/04/2020 05:02:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks rose for the seventh-consecutive session as no new COVID-19 cases offset worries looming over the market of a possible extension to the nationwide lockdown. [Futures/ETFs] Futures posted modest gains as foreigners reversed early morning selling and actively covered short positions in the closing minutes when the underlying VN30 index began to tumble [Market Movers] GAS, FPT

Daily Note 08/04/2020

08/04/2020 05:02:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks were mixed after Vietnam announced a new COVID-19 case of unknown origin, with the VN-Index staging a comeback to end the day positive and the VN30 index closing down [Futures/ETFs] Futures closed modestly lower but at the high of the day led by a late-day rally in the cash VN30 index as foreigners returned to selling and locals unwound intra-day long positions in the auction [Market Movers] MWG, VIC

Daily Note 07/04/2020

07/04/2020 05:47:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Consumer and retailing stocks rallied on the third day of no new COVID-19 cases as concerns eased over extending the nationwide lockdown to the end of April as proposed by the Ministry of Health [Futures/ETFs] Futures booked back-to-back gains on healthy trading volume as active short covering by foreigners in the morning session modestly narrowed the deep backwardation of the basis [Market Movers] PLX, ACV

Daily Note 06/04/2020

06/04/2020 05:28:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks jumped with the slowdown in new COVID-19 cases and moved higher in the afternoon when the government added VND5 trillion (US$2.2 billion) to its universal income plan [Futures/ETFs] Futures surged and closed at the high of the day after the strong cash market triggered short covering by foreigners, while locals actively added to long positions throughout the morning session [Market Movers] HVN, HPG [Macro/Strategy] 1Q Industrial Production

Daily Note 03/04/2020

03/04/2020 04:51:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks rallied on a rosy economic outlook from the Asian Development Bank led by retailers on positive 1Q preview from Mobile World Investments and oil & gas stocks on the overnight bounce in oil prices [Futures/ETFs] The late-day surge in the VN30 underlying cash index triggered unwinding at the close as locals took profit on intraday long positions and foreigners covered short positions [Market Movers] HVN, MWG

Daily Note 01/04/2020

01/04/2020 04:50:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks bounced back after the Government reaffirmed continuous operations for transportation, distribution and financial services, as well as essential services and exports during the nationwide lock down [Futures/ETFs] Futures held gains despite the sharp down move in US futures during Asian trading hours that led to another collapse in the basis at the open of the afternoon session [Market Movers] VCS, PTB

Daily Note 31/03/2020

31/03/2020 05:25:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Stocks started the day strong on positive economic forecasts from the World Bank but fell sharply on fears of a stock market shutdown after the PM announced a nationwide lockdown until mid-April [Futures/ETFs] The basis collapsed and cut short the rebound in futures after the cash market suddenly tumbled and turned negative in the afternoon [Market Movers] PPC, PVD

Daily Note 27/03//2020

27/03/2020 05:08:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Initial 1Q GDP release fell short of expectations and sent stocks sharply lower despite the first net foreign buying in 33 days [Futures/ETFs] Futures fell as locals aggressively shorted contracts after the release of weak preliminary 1Q GDP and trade figures following the lunch break [Market Movers] CTG

Daily Note 26/03/2019

26/03/2020 04:57:00 PM
[Market Commentary] Tighter corona lockdown measures cut short the stimulus-led rally as stocks end lower despite the second-day of rebound in Vin family names [Futures/ETFs] Futures closed at the low of the day with the basis weakening throughout the session on local selling, while foreigners covered short positions in the close [Market Movers] MWG, VGC